Are all staff trained and experienced in Safeguarding?
Paul and Nic are both designated safeguarding lead trained and highly experienced at the highest level of safeguarding. All Boxing Fit Academy staff and volunteers have received basic awareness training.
How long do the programmes last?
The ’12 Rounds’ Programme is for one term. Students will attend Queensberry AP for one day per week – this will be determined by their year group.
The ‘Going the distance’ programme which will be offered from September 2019 will see students attend Queensberry AP one day per week for a full year.
Do students have to be a good boxer?
Students will take part in practical learning every session. Boxing will be at the heart of this – however there will be a focus on general physical fitness. Through regular sessions club students will improve upon their physical fitness and gain an understanding of the relationship between physical activity and improved mental health; in particular the positive impact this can have upon their emotional wellbeing. Anger management, resilience, discipline, respect and self-control are just some of the core values of the sport of boxing and students will be supported and encouraged to transfer these values and skills to their own life in order to address some of the social and emotional barriers they face to learning.
Why Boxing?
Queensberry AP uses boxing as a vehicle to promote respect, resilience, positive behaviour and engagement in the classroom. Through engagement with boxing students will start to improve upon their physical fitness, self-esteem, emotional well-being and mental health; all of which has huge impact upon their willingness to engage with education.
How old does a student have to be to be referred?
Queensberry AP is unique in the fact that we offer a “whole child approach” to 11-16 year olds. By offering placements from Year 7 so that we can tackle the underlying causes of behavioural difficulties and barriers to learning at a much earlier stage which will lead to higher levels of engagement and attainment both now and in the future. Working with younger students (11-16) underpinned by a ‘prevention not cure’ ethos also ensures that students have a greater chance of more positive outcomes – both at school and beyond.
How do I refer a student?
Admission to Queensberry AP is on a referral basis from schools or local authorities. Schools, academies and Local Authorities need to follow the procedures and application documentation and meet with Queensberry representatives to discuss the programme.
All accepted students will undergo a rigorous induction and initial assessment process, as part of the procedure for identifying baselines and the appropriate programme and support needed for a successful placement.
In the event of a refusal of a placement, a letter will be sent to home school/Local Authority outlining the full reasons for the decision and suggestions of other intervention that maybe appropriate.
We welcome telephone discussions prior to the completion of a referral form whether this be contact from the school or parents/carers seeking more information. For an informal discussion please call 07769294311 or 07813914881.
Why does the 12 Rounds Programme have an induction?
At the start of the programme there will be an induction. This involves information sharing with the school and their family to identify areas of concern. It will also form a foundation for our “whole-child” approach - involving work with wider families including direct and indirect work with siblings. All students will be individually risk assessed in order to take part safely in all activities and focus on individual needs will be a huge asset to the programme.
During the induction phase we will identify with the school Key Performance Indicators to measure student progress (e.g. attendance, behaviour points etc.) as well as identifying barriers to learning using the Pupil Attitude to Self and School profile. These will be regularly monitored throughout their programme through internal processes and updates on behaviour to measure impact and ensure mentoring can focus on addressing any issues that may have arisen.
What do the workshops cover?
Every student who attends Queensberry AP will take part in workshops aimed at developing the "whole child". Workshops will be delivered by our own staff and a host of other professionals and volunteers – including those from HMP Thorn Cross. These will include knife crime, drugs intervention, anti-social behaviour and prison life. Practical in nature, sessions will offer challenges to each student and provide them with opportunities to address their own personal and social barriers to learning and in doing so help raise their aspirations.
What happens at the end of the programme?
A graduation ceremony will take place at the end to showcase the work that each student has completed and to give recognition and acknowledgement to their achievements. Parents, carers, school staff and other professionals will be invited to attend. When a student graduates an ENGAGE report will be completed, copies of which will be given to parents and carers, schools and any other relevant professionals. The report will outline the intervention that has been delivered, student achievements, impact of the program and recommendations to further support the individual student. This is designed to support the student moving forwards, provide evidence for Ofsted and give advice to the school on strategies that can be used to encourage positive choices and support any individual pupil behaviour plans within school.
What extra-curricular activities are offered for parents?
Working in partnership with the Family Learning Team with Cheshire West we will be offering workshops and courses aimed at improving outcomes for parents, carers and young people. The Family Learning programme provides a broad range of courses and workshops and offers the chance to gain certificates for achievement.
There are five key areas covered, these are first steps to:
helping your child learn
engaging with learning
creating a confident family (eg family first aid, parenting skills)
employment (eg CV writing, interview skills)
improving Maths, English and IT (eg family Maths, family English)
If you still have questions to ask please contact us on info@queensberryap.com